Who we are

We are a social enterprise that manufactures bags, home decor , corporate merchandise and lifestyle accessories inspired by our vibrant African heritage. We incorporate underserved artisan groups in Kenya and Uganda in our production value chain giving them an opportunity to earn consistent incomes in situations where these opportunities do not exist. Conscious about protecting our planet, we incorporate upto 80% of biodegradable and recycled raw materials into our products.

Our Corporate Vision

To take African excellence to the world

Our Corporate Mission

To create economic opportunities for underserved artisans in Africa by creating lifestyle products inspired by our vibrant heritage.

Vision for our Artisan Partners

That they thrive and earn decent incomes from their talents.

That they are able to provide their families with basic needs.

That they have enough income to invest in the education of their children.

That they can afford decent healthcare for themselves and their families

That they become entrepreneurs in their own right, equipped with all the skills they need for their ventures.

Our Philosophy

The artisan economy is the second largest employer in the developing world after agriculture. While endowed with a rich vibrant culture and unique raw materials, Africa does not enjoy its rightful share in this growing economic sector. We endeavor to change this reality. The core of our business is:

  • To provide our customers with authentic African Inspired merchandise, home  décor and lifestyle accessories that helps then to showcase their true individual  and corporate DNA.
  • To share the stories of our artisan partners, stories of hard work and resilience in  Africa’s most beautiful country sides. 
  • To create economic opportunities for artisans by leveraging on their talents and  our networks around the world. 
  • To create wealth and eliminate poverty for grassroot communities in Africa using  traditional artisan talent. 
  • To be contributors in the achievement of sustainable development goals  especially in creation of decent work and economic growth for those below the  radar of conventional opportunities. 
  • To be active participators in the global efforts to conserve the planet by  embedding sustainability in the use and recycle of raw materials by our artisan  producers.